Our vision is to develop disciplined, respectful, well-rounded, confident and community-minded students who want to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a safe, disciplined, and caring culture and environment in which everyone is respected as equals.
"DO THE RIGHT AND FEAR NO MAN"; an apt expression of qualities considered essential for a patriot, which the School aims at inculcating in its students through an elaborate & integrated program of numerous physical, mental, spiritual and academic pursuits.
About the School
The emergence of Pakistan with changing horizons and new aspirations required a new leadership in almost every walk of public and social life. Thus the need of the hour was a Public School to lay special emphasis on Islamic Ideology, revive our glory and restore our cultural heritage alongside character building and personality development programmes and the usual academic activities; a Public School disciplined on the style of Harrow or Eton. The building of such an institution is an uphill task but real men are those who established such colossal monuments, worthy of the Nation, the teacher and the taught. Such institutions illuminate the life and character of the younger generation which is the future hope of our nation.
This project was taken up by the Government of Bahawalpur. The School's foundation stone was laid by Alahazrat, Sir Sadiq Mohammad Khan Abbasi V, in March 1953.
No country can prosper and flourish unless its people are properly educated so that they may know what is happening in the world around them and are able to discern between good and bad. The problem of education becomes all the more important and pressing in these fast changing times when our people aspire to attain full rights and benefits of democracy and an enviable position among the progressive nations of the world. The achievement of these objectives needs large finances, careful planning, vision and better methods. New schemes need to be evolved whereby our educational institutions should not merely produce clerks and petty job-hunters but youth with strong character, great capabilities, initiative and the drive to shoulder the responsibilities lying ahead of them.
The Ruling House of Bahawalpur the scion of Abbaside Caliphs of Baghdad which had earned worldwide fame as patrons of education and knowledge – has distinguished itself in the Orient as great lovers of art and learning. The grant by them of big Jagirs to religious institutions which served as centres of education and enlightenment in those days is a vivid expression of their desire to maintain the noble traditions of their illustrious ancestors. Their zeal in this direction has continued unabated and as a result of this, satisfactory progress is being achieved in the field of education.
The Bahawalpur Government under the kind patronage of the Ammer of Bahawalpur and dynamic Chief Minister Makhoomzada Hassan Mahmud very timely, visualized the need of an institution which should nourish in its fold polished young men to fit in the future set-up as administrators, educationists, scientists, engineers and diplomats.
The scheme was discussed in all its details by the experts and as soon as they were convinced of its usefulness and feasibility, plans were drawn up, necessary formalities were gone through and the P.W.D. machinery was put into gear.
Just opposite the Bahawalpur Forest Reserve, on the left side of the road to Dera Nawab Sahib where there was a vast area of 180 acres covered by wild growth or mounds of earth and deep depressions, like irregular water catchments caused by excavation of earth by the owners of brick kilns across the road, bulldozers and hundreds of labourers began to work.
The opening ceremony of the School was performed by Ala Hazrat the Ameer of Bahawalpur on 18th of January 1954. The school started functioning with the main School Block, a senior and Junior Boarding House with accommodation for 50 boys each and five staff bungalows. Within two years, a Mosque, two Swimming Pools, a Hospital, a dozen more staff bungalows and all the ancillary buildings were completed.
To begin with, the School had only 37 children and 7 teachers. Khan Anwar Sikandar Khan, the first Principal developed this institution from scratch and converted a veritable wilderness into a campus of panoramic spectacle.
It was a Herculean task to make a beginning on nothing more than 450 acres of barren land. At present this institution ranks among the foremost Public Schools of the country. It has now seven Boarding Houses where more than 500 pupils reside varying in age from 5 to 18 years, including girls.
With the exception of Aitchison College in Lahore and a few Public Schools in Karachi there was no institution of high standard between Lahore and Karachi. This institution was thus established with the specific objective of providing Public School education to the children of Bahawalpur region in particular and the whole country in general, so to produce leaders in various walks of public and social life.
Sadiq Public School is situated on the national highway, 392 kilometres from Lahore, 828 kilometres from Karachi and 100 kilometres from Multan. Bahawalpur is in southern Punjab, 350-375 feet above sea level and linked with Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad by road, rail and air. The temperatures vary from extreme hot in summer to very cold in winter.
For further information, comments and suggestions about the website or School, please send an email or contact the Principal at the following address.
Sadiq Public School, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
92-62- 2877692-93-94