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About Us

The establishment of Sadiq Public School in 1953 was a response to the imperative need for quality education, with a focus on Islamic ideologies, cultural heritage, character development, and academic excellence. Under the auspices of the esteemed House of Bahawalpur, led by Alahazrat Sir Sadiq Mohammad Khan Abbasi V, and guided by visionaries like Makhdoomzada Hassan Mahmud, the institution swiftly ascended to eminence.


Commencing its journey with modest resources, the school rapidly evolved into a paragon of educational distinction, bolstered by the tireless efforts of its founders and patrons. Within a mere two years, it transformed into one of the foremost public schools nationwide, buoyed by the expansion of its infrastructure and amenities.


Strategically situated along the national highway, Sadiq Public School serves as a beacon of enlightenment not only for the Bahawalpur region but also for students hailing from diverse corners of Pakistan. With an unwavering commitment to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow across various domains, the institution stands as a testament to its enduring legacy of excellence.

About Sadiq International Moot Court

The Sadiq International Moot Court, established on September 20th, 2023, by Abdullah Bugti and Chaudhary Huzaifa Ahmad Bin Riasat Ali under the stewardship of Mr. Bilal Dahir, the Officer in Charge of the Law Society and patronized by Principal and CEO, Mr David Dowdles has burgeoned into a formidable community poised to embark on a journey towards greater accomplishments. As our team continues to expand, we envision ourselves as torchbearers, carrying the flag of legal excellence towards unprecedented heights. In Pakistan as well as other parts of the world, there are numerous well-known moot court competitions. The Jessup Moot Competition is the biggest moot court competition in the world. It is followed by other well-known events such as the Henry Dunant Human Rights Moot Court, the Stetson International Environmental Moot Court, and the mooting compet held in Pakistan by Lums, Nust, and other organizations. The first Sadiq International Moot Court competition will take place in July 2024, from July 11 to July 14.


The ethos of the Sadiq International Moot Court transcends mere words; it aspires to cultivate a vibrant community where profound legal issues, which have indelibly sculpted the annals of history, are meticulously dissected. Ours is a sanctuary where both national and international legal conundrums find solace, where the quest for justice knows no bounds.


We extend a cordial invitation to join us in our noble endeavour, where the convergence of legal acumen, persuasive rhetoric, unwavering confidence, and diplomatic finesse converge to shape a world where justice reigns supreme. We eagerly await the opportunity to collaborate with you as together, we endeavour to redefine the contours of legal discourse and leave an indelible mark on the world.

International Court Of Justice

The International Court of Justice(ICJ; French: Cour internationale de justice, CIJ), also called the World Court, is the only international court that adjudicates general disputes between nations, and gives advisory opinions  on international legal issues. It is one of the Six Organs of the United Nations (UN), and is located in The Hague, Netherlands.

The ICJ is the successor of the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), which was established in 1920 by the League of Nations. After the Second World War, the League and the PCIJ were replaced by the United Nations and ICJ, respectively. The Statute of ICJ, which sets forth its purpose and structure, draws heavily from that of its predecessor, whose decisions remain valid. All member states of the UN are party to the ICJ Statute and may initiate contentious legal cases; however, advisory proceedings may be submitted only by certain UN organs and agencies.

The ICJ consists of a panel of 15 judges elected by the UN General Assembly and Security Council for nine-year terms. No more than one judge of each nationality may be represented on court at the same time, and judges collectively must reflect the principal civilizations and legal systems of the world. Seated in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, the ICJ is the only principal UN organ not located in New York City. Its official working languages are English and French.

Since the entry of its first case on 22 May 1947, 191 cases have been heard by the ICJ as of 13 November 2023.Pursuant to Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Court’s rulings and opinions are binding on the parties with respect to the particular case ruled on by the court.


Cases in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) typically follow a structured process:

  1. Filing of Application: The process begins when one state (referred to as the "Applicant") files an application against another state (the "Respondent"). The application outlines the legal basis for the dispute and requests the ICJ to adjudicate.

  2. Written Pleadings: After the application is filed, the parties submit written pleadings, including memorials and counter-memorials, presenting their legal arguments and evidence supporting their respective positions.

  3. Oral Hearings: The ICJ may hold oral hearings where representatives from both parties present their arguments before the court. These hearings allow for direct engagement between the parties and the judges.

  4. Judgment: Following the hearings, the ICJ deliberates and ultimately renders a judgment. This judgment may include findings on the legal issues raised, orders for specific actions or remedies, and sometimes assessments of responsibility or liability.

  5. Enforcement: Once a judgment is issued, it is binding on the parties involved. However, enforcement mechanisms may vary, and compliance with ICJ judgments relies largely on the willingness of the parties to abide by the Court's decision. In some cases, the United Nations Security Council may be involved in enforcing judgments.

Throughout the process, the ICJ operates based on principles of international law and treaties, and decisions are made by a panel of judges representing different countries. It is worth noting that the ICJ can only hear cases when both parties involved have consented to its jurisdiction, either through a specific agreement or by mutual acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction.

European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), commonly referred to as the Strasbourg Court, is an international judicial body under the Council of Europe tasked with interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Situated in Strasbourg, France, it addresses complaints alleging violations of the convention by contracting states. Established in 1959, the Court adjudicated its inaugural case in 1960, setting precedent in Lawless v Ireland. Applications may be lodged by individuals, groups, or member states. Beyond judgments, the court may issue advisory opinions. The living instrument doctrine guides its interpretation, ensuring relevance to contemporary circumstances.


The ECtHR is esteemed as the foremost international human rights court globally, though it faces challenges with non-compliance from member states.


Process in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR):

  1. Application Filing: Individuals, groups, or states submit applications alleging ECHR violations, subject to admissibility criteria like exhaustion of domestic remedies.

  2. Admissibility Review: The ECHR preliminarily assesses admissibility, including jurisdictional issues and exhaustion of remedies.

  3. Written Stage: Following admissibility confirmation, both parties present written arguments. This includes observations from the applicant, respondent state, and potentially third-party interventions.

  4. Oral Hearings: Oral hearings may be conducted, allowing parties to directly present arguments before the court.

  5. Judgment: The case is assigned to a chamber or the Grand Chamber, with the court rendering a judgment, potentially including findings of violations and remedial orders.

  6. Execution of Judgments: The respondent state must comply with the judgment, overseen by the Committee of Ministers. Measures for compliance may include monitoring, dialogue, and financial penalties if necessary.


Throughout, the ECHR upholds the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights, contributing to human rights development and protection within Council of Europe member states.

Supreme Court (Pakistan)

The Supreme Court of Pakistan(Urdu: عدالتِ عظمیٰ پاکستان; Adālat-e-Uzma Pākistān) is the highest court in the judicial hierarchy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Established in accordance with Part VII of the Constitution of Pakistan, it has ultimate and extensive appellate, original, and advisory jurisdictions to all courts (including the High Courts, District, Special and Shariat Court). In the court system of Pakistan, the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of legal and constitutional disputes as well as final interpreter of constitutional law, and the highest court of appeal in Pakistan.

The Chief Justice of Pakistan, sixteen Justices, and two ad hoc Justices make up the Supreme Court. Once appointed, Justices are expected to complete a designated term and then retire at 65 years old, unless their term is terminated through resignation or impeachment by the Supreme Judicial Council resulted in a presidential reference in regards to the misconduct of judge(s). In their discourse judgement, the Justices are often categorized as having the conservative, textual, moderate, and liberal philosophies of law in their judicial interpretation of law and judgements.

The Supreme Court has a permanent seat in Islamabad and meets at the Supreme Court Building in the Red Zone.

Cases in the Supreme Court of Pakistan follow a structured process, which typically involves the following steps:

  1. Filing of Appeal: The process begins when a party dissatisfied with the judgment or decision of a lower court files an appeal with the Supreme Court. The appeal must be filed within the specified time limit and in accordance with the rules of the Supreme Court.

  2. Admission of Appeal: The Supreme Court reviews the appeal to determine whether it meets the criteria for admission. This includes assessing whether the appeal raises a question of law or a substantial question of public importance. If the appeal is admitted, it proceeds to the next stage.

  3. Exchange of Pleadings: Once the appeal is admitted, both parties exchange written pleadings, including the grounds of appeal and responses to those grounds. This allows each party to present their legal arguments and evidence in support of their respective positions.

  4. Oral Arguments: The Supreme Court may schedule oral arguments where the parties' legal representatives present their arguments before the Court. This provides an opportunity for direct engagement between the parties and the judges, allowing for clarification of legal issues and responses to questions from the bench.

  5. Judgment: After considering the written pleadings, oral arguments, and any other relevant materials, the Supreme Court deliberates and renders a judgment. This judgment may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the lower court, and it typically includes the Court's reasoning and legal analysis.

  6. Enforcement: Once a judgment is issued, it is binding on the parties involved. The Supreme Court may issue orders or directives to ensure compliance with its judgment. Enforcement mechanisms may include the initiation of contempt proceedings or the issuance of writs or orders to relevant authorities.

Throughout the process, the Supreme Court of Pakistan operates based on the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law. Its decisions contribute to the development and interpretation of legal principles and precedents in Pakistan.

High Court (Pakistan)

There are five high courts of Pakistan, each based in the capital city of the four provinces,  plus one in the federal capital, Islamabad,  Articles 192 to 203 of the Constitution of Pakistan outline the constitution of the courts, appointment of the judges, their oath of office, and jurisdiction of the High Courts.

In Pakistan, appeal cases in the High Court are typically fought through a structured legal process. Here is an overview:

  1. Filing the Appeal: The process begins with the appellant filing a formal appeal petition with the High Court. This petition outlines the grounds for the appeal and includes relevant legal arguments and evidence.

  2. Response from the Respondent: The respondent (the opposing party) is then served with a copy of the appeal petition and given the opportunity to respond. They may file a written response presenting their own arguments and evidence.

  3. Hearing: Once both parties have submitted their pleadings, the High Court schedules a hearing date. During the hearing, each party presents their case before the judge(s). This may involve oral arguments, examination of witnesses, and presentation of evidence.

  4. Judgment: After considering the arguments and evidence presented by both parties, the judge(s) issue a judgment. This judgment may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the lower court.

  5. Further Appeals: If either party is dissatisfied with the High Court's decision, they may have the option to further appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan. However, the Supreme Court typically hears cases on matters of constitutional importance or significant legal issues.

Throughout this process, both parties are represented by legal counsel who advocate on their behalf. The procedures and rules governing appeal cases in the High Court of Pakistan are outlined in the relevant laws and procedural rules, such as the Code of Civil Procedure or the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Pakistan National Assembly

The National Assembly of Pakistan(Urdu: ایوانِ زیریں, romanized: Aiwān-e-Zairīñ, IPA: [ɛːʋɑːn-e zɛːrĩːˌpɑːkɪst̪ɑːn], lit. 'Lower house' or Urdu: قومی اسمبلی, romanized: Qọ̄mī Assembly) is the lower house of the bicameral Parliament of Pakistan, with the upper house being the Senate. As of 2023, the National Assembly has a maximum membership of 336, of which 266 are directly elected by an adult universal suffrage and a first-past-the-post system to represent their respective constituencies, while 70 are elected on reserved seats for women and religious minorities from all over the country. Members hold their seats for five years or until the house is dissolved by the Presidenton the advice of the Prime Minister. The house convenes at the Parliament House, Red Zone, Islamabad.

Members are elected through the first-past-the-post system under universal adult suffrage, representing electoral districts known as National Assembly constituencies. According to the constitution, the 70 seats reserved for women and religious minorities are allocated to the political parties according to their proportional representation.

Each National Assembly is formed for a five-year term, commencing from the date of the first sitting, after which it is automatically dissolved. The National Assembly can only be dissolved by the President of Pakistan; it cannot be dissolved by the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

In the Pakistan National Assembly, the procedure for speaking involves the following steps:

  1. Recognition by the Speaker: Members of the National Assembly (MNAs) who wish to speak must seek recognition from the Speaker. They typically do this by standing up or raising their hand while the session is in progress.

  2. Order of Speaking: The Speaker maintains a list of members who wish to speak on a particular topic or agenda item. The Speaker decides the order in which members will be allowed to speak based on parliamentary rules and procedures.

  3. Permission to Speak: Once recognized by the Speaker, the member is granted permission to speak. They may then address the assembly on the topic under discussion.

  4. Time Limit: There may be time limits imposed on speeches to ensure that all members have an opportunity to participate in the debate. The exact time limit can vary depending on the rules of procedure and the discretion of the Speaker.

  5. Subject Matter: Members are expected to speak on the relevant subject matter being discussed during the session. They may express their views, present arguments, ask questions, or raise concerns related to the topic at hand.

  6. Respectful Conduct: Members are required to maintain decorum and observe parliamentary etiquette while speaking. They must address the Speaker and other members with respect and refrain from using offensive language or making personal attacks.

  7. Relevance: Members are expected to stay on topic and address the specific issues being discussed. The Speaker may intervene if a member strays from the subject or engages in irrelevant remarks.

  8. Conclusion: Once the member has finished speaking, they usually conclude their remarks and yield the floor to the next speaker or return to their seat.

  9. Responses and Interventions: Other members may respond to the points raised by the speaker through interventions or by seeking permission to speak after them. This can lead to further debate and discussion on the topic.

Overall, the procedure for speaking in the Pakistan National Assembly is governed by parliamentary rules of procedure and the authority of the Speaker to maintain order and facilitate effective debate.

In the Pakistan National Assembly, the procedure for passing a bill involves several steps:

  1. Introduction of the Bill: A member of the National Assembly (MNA) introduces a bill by submitting it to the Secretary of the Assembly. The bill is then placed on the agenda for consideration.

  2. First Reading: The bill undergoes its first reading, during which its general principles and objectives are presented. There is no debate or discussion at this stage.

  3. Committee Stage: The bill is referred to the relevant standing committee of the National Assembly for detailed examination and consideration. The committee may hold meetings, gather input from stakeholders, and propose amendments to the bill.

  4. Second Reading: After the committee stage, the bill returns to the floor of the National Assembly for its second reading. Members debate the bill clause by clause, discussing its merits, potential amendments, and implications.

  5. Voting: Once the debate concludes, a vote is held on the bill. If a simple majority of the MNAs present and voting support the bill, it proceeds to the next stage. If the bill is a constitutional amendment or requires a special majority, a higher threshold of votes may be required.

  6. Third Reading: The bill undergoes its third reading, during which final amendments may be proposed and discussed.

  7. Passage: Following the third reading, a final vote is held to pass the bill. If it receives the support of the majority of MNAs present and voting, it is passed by the National Assembly.

  8. Senate Consideration (if applicable): If the bill is not a money bill or does not relate to a matter enumerated in the Federal Legislative List, it is sent to the Senate for consideration. The Senate may approve the bill with or without amendments, or it may reject the bill.

  9. Assent: Once passed by both houses of Parliament (the National Assembly and the Senate), the bill is sent to the President for assent. Upon receiving assent, the bill becomes law and is published in the official gazette.

Throughout this process, parliamentary rules of procedure govern the conduct of debates, voting, and other proceedings in the National Assembly.


Welcome to Sadiq Model United Nations (Sadiq MUN): Pioneering Diplomacy in Southern Punjab, Pakistan

Established in 2014, Sadiq Model United Nations (Sadiq MUN) stands as a trailblazer in the landscape of Model United Nations conferences, proudly being the first-ever MUN event in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Over its initial five-year run, from 2014 to 2018, Sadiq MUN garnered a reputation for fostering diplomatic skills, global awareness, and leadership qualities among students.


Southern Punjab's Premier MUN Event:

Sadiq MUN holds the distinction of being the inaugural Model United Nations event in Southern Punjab, breaking new ground and providing students in the region with a unique opportunity to engage in international affairs, diplomacy, and critical thinking. The conference quickly became a symbol of excellence, attracting participants from various schools and regions.


Legacy Years: 2014-2018:

During its five-year legacy, Sadiq MUN played a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual landscape of Southern Punjab. The conferences from 2014 to 2018 were marked by vibrant debates, insightful discussions, and a commitment to nurturing a generation of young leaders. The legacy of those years continues to inspire students and educators alike, leaving an enduring impact on the MUN community in the region.


Hiatus and Revival:

After a hiatus of five years, Sadiq MUN is set to make a triumphant return in 2024, aligning with the visionary goals of the current Principal, Mr. David Dowdles. This strategic pause allowed for reflection, refinement, and a renewed commitment to providing students with a platform that goes beyond the ordinary. Mr. Dowdles, with his forward-thinking vision, envisions the revival of Sadiq MUN as a catalyst for shaping future leaders in Southern Punjab.


Vision of Mr. David Dowdles:

Principal Mr. David Dowdles, a driving force behind the resurgence of Sadiq MUN, believes in the power of Model United Nations to transform students into global citizens. His vision for the conference includes not only upholding the standards set in the past but also introducing innovative elements that reflect the ever-evolving dynamics of international relations.


Anticipate the Revival in 2024:

As Sadiq MUN prepares to reopen its doors in 2024, participants can look forward to an event that honors tradition while embracing progress. The conference will continue to provide a platform for Southern Punjab's brightest minds to engage in diplomacy, negotiation, and collaboration. Stay tuned for updates, registration details, and exciting announcements as Sadiq MUN returns to catalyze growth and excellence in the MUN community of Southern Punjab.


Join Us in Reviving the Legacy:

Sadiq MUN 2024 extends a warm invitation to schools, students, and MUN enthusiasts to be part of this historic revival. Whether you're a seasoned delegate or a newcomer eager to explore the world of Model United Nations, Sadiq MUN promises an enriching experience that transcends boundaries. Be part of the journey as we revive the legacy of Southern Punjab's premier MUN event under the guidance of Mr. David Dowdles.


We look forward to your participation in Sadiq MUN 2024, where diplomacy meets tradition in the heart of Southern Punjab, Pakistan!

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