Clubs and Societies
Children possess a number of talents and abilities which find no means of expression in ordinary school curriculum or even on the playfield. Craft is the general term to provide variety of activities where manual skill combines with mental ingenuity. Boys are encouraged to utilize their leisure by joining one of the following hobbies:
Computer, carpentry, electricity and wireless, scouting, photography, stamp collecting and book binding.
Apart from class work various societies cater for the preferences and aptitudes of the children. These include:
Dramatics, Literary and Debating Societies [English and Urdu].

The children are encouraged to contribute to the annual School Magazine.
Gold Medals are awarded every year for the two best articles on the “Life of Quaid-e-Azam” one each in English and Urdu. Weekly social evenings are a regular feature in the Boarding Houses and provide the boarders with a chance to show their latent talent in the art of public speaking, recitation and dramatics.