Religious Training and Instruction
Adequate emphasis is given to Islamic Studies. The Islamiat curriculum includes history of Islam, memorization and understanding of prayers and of selected passages from the Holy Quran.
The recitation of the Holy Quran and religious education is imparted to all boarders starting from the Junior Boarding Houses where all boarders finish Nazrah of the Holy Quran before they are promoted to the Prep Section. The correct recitation of the Holy Quran is emphasized and a Husn-e-Qirat competition is held every year.
Attendance at Maghrib Prayers at the School Mosque is compulsory for all Senior and Prep Section boy boarders. The School and the Games time tables are so designed as to enable the boys to offer all other prayers. Friday Prayers are conducted in the School Mosque and religious functions are observed appropriately. Girls boarders offer prayers in their hostel.