Roll No:
Five digit roll no required
e.g: "00124" or "G0012"
Date of Birth:
(month/day/year) e.g. "03/21/2000"
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Senior Student Counseling Form
SSC form is designed to learn about senior students' aspired educational and career choices. Please read the important description below before proceeding further.
1. SSC is to be filled by students who have progressed to H2 in August 2023. Sadiq Alumni with minimal educational gap and recent high school graduates may fill the form upon counselors' discretion.
2. Filling the form ensures that you are formally starting your educational advising journey with Sadiq counseling. If you've previously worked with an adviser, please ensure s/he still requires you to document your information so to take the advising process forward in an organized manner.
3. Your mentioned choices in the form may not represent your final decisions but are meant to capture your current preferences.
4. After you have had a chance to consult our counselors, the final version of your responses will be due by November 20, 2023, on an additional and final application duly signed by yourself, your parent/guardian and school principal.
5. SSC Form collects email addresses that will remain Sadiq counseling’s communication channel with students. Make sure you type an accurate email address.
6. Submit only ONE response with all accurate details.
I have read and understood the description provided above and will abide by the rules set by my school as mentioned in the form.
Personal Information
Ensure all information is accurate to best of your knowledge.
Academic Information - GCE O & A Levels OR Matric & F.SC Stream
Most fields are marked as required to answer, however if any field doesn't apply to you just type 'NOT APPLICABLE' and move to next questions.
Standardized Test Scores. *
Academic Awards, Performance & Extracurricular Activities
List all that apply. Please remember that you are required to provide documentary evidence (certificates, letters etc.) at a later date to verify your achievements.
Academic Awards and Honors *
List academic achievements, awards and honors since class 8 received within and outside of the school.
Academic Performance *
Enlist any improvement or if you have experienced a sharp decline in academic grades since class 8. Explain how you improved your grades or why you experienced a drop in academic performance. You may record events in the past that contributed towards a success or timely failure. Please be as honest as possible so your counselor can help you accordingly both in identification of the problem and to help you find a solution.
School Sports & Extracurriculars. *
Starting from class 8, enlist all school sports and achievements such as class leader, clubs and societies participation, inter/intra school debates, MUN awards etc. You may include activities, interests and hobbies, internships, work and volunteer experiences, within and outside the school.
Financial Contributions
Before writing a response, please arrange a discussion with your parents on how much they can afford for your college education. Please be sensitive to any and all financial constraints they may face and let them know of your sincerity towards university education. Please be mindful that parents' questions and feedback around benefits associated with a university degree are always fair.
Family Contribution Per Year *
Per year contribution includes tuition fee, housing accommodations, health insurance, books & supplies, travel cost home or abroad, food costs etc.
Desired Academic Major, University, Career and Destination Choices.
Top Choice Academic Disciplines *
Enlist your top choices for academic disciplines you wish to pursue in future. For example: Medicine, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence etc. If you're unsure on selection of major just type 'Undecided'.
Career Choices *
Enlist your top choices for academic disciplines you wish to pursue in future. For example: Medicine, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence etc. If you're unsure on selection of major just type 'Undecided'.
Top Destinations to Apply. *
Enlist names of 3 countries max in the priority order. Also, provide a reason why you intend to apply to those countries?
Early Decision/Early Action *
Are you considering applying for early application programs in the USA? Remember that deadlines for most early decision or early application programs for US universities are November 1st.
Mention names of 6-8 universities you've researched or wish to apply. *
Your Choices May Include 'Dream Schools', 'Reach Schools' and 'Safety Schools'.
Dream Schools: Highly Selective Schools
Reach Schools: Somewhat Selective Schools
Safety Schools: Open Admission Schools
Missing Information
Mention any information you would like to share but isn't covered in the form above.
Upload your most recent photo. There are no formats for the photo so feel free to share your best self. *