Senior Boys'
After passing C1 / S1 (Prep School) examinations students join the Senior Section. The classes are as follows:
Matriculation & Intermediate:
O & A Level Cambridge:

The academic element of the Sadiq Public School curriculum
Sadiq Public School believes in traditional approaches to teaching and learning, reinforcing values of honesty, integrity, hard work, and respect in the education of our students, in order for them to become well-rounded people.
Students and parents are reminded that Academics are just one of the 5 elements of the Sadiq Public School curriculum and to participate fully in the Sadiq Public School experience, all students are expected/required to engage fully in Discipline, Academics, Sports, Non-sport activities, and Community service.
Should my son study Cambridge O-Level & A-Level or Matric. & Intermediate?
If in doubt please discuss this very important decision with the Head of School.
O-Level (Cambridge)
A three-year course after 7th class (ie C1-C3):
All students study:
English Language
Urdu Language A/B
Islamic Studies
Pakistan Studies
Students select 4 more subjects from:
Additional Mathematics, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Studies, Economics, Physics, Principles of Accounts. (Subject to a minimum class size)
Note that all subjects are examined in the same session at the end of the three years of study.
A-Level (Cambridge)
A two-year course after O Level (i.e. H1-H2):
Three subjects from either of the following two groups:
Science Group:
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics.
Humanities Group:
Accounting, Business Studies, Computer Studies, Economics.
Students in both groups may take one additional subject from:
Psychology, Sociology, Law, Urdu Language
Matriculation (Bahawalpur Board)
A three-year course after 7th class (i.e. S1-S3):
Islamic Studies
Pakistan studies
Biology / Computer Studies
Intermediate (Bahawalpur Board)
A two-year course after Matriculation / O-Level, (i.e. I1-I2):
Science Group (Pre-Engineering / Pre-Medical)
Biology / Mathematics
Pakistan Studies
Islamic Studies
General Science Group
Computer Studies
Islamic Studies
Pakistan Studies
Attendance & punctuality
All students are expected to attend all lessons and to arrive on time, i.e. before the lesson begins and prepared for the lesson, i.e. with all necessary books and stationery. Repeated absence or lateness or coming to a lesson unprepared will result in an intervention.
Students are expected to use one exercise book/copy-book/notes-book for each subject, i.e. a separate book for each subject. This book is the student's summary notes book of the classwork. The notes book is the basis of the student's learning. Teachers will, from time to time, take these books in and review the student's work and given written feedback to the student.
Lessons are conducted in English however it is not unreasonable for some teaching to be done in Urdu, e.g. clarifications of vocabulary. All assessment is, however, in English as it is preparation for the extarenal assessments which are conducted in English.
Learning in a class situation is not a passive activity. All students are expected to actively participate in lessons, answering teachers' questions and asking questions of their own. Students will often be expected to participate in small-group or whole-class activities which may include discussions, debates, individual or group student presentations, or field trips.
Students will frequently be instructed to practise class work after lessons. Homework is the student's opportunity to practise and review material that was presented in class. It is this practise and revision that consolidates a student's learning. All students are expected to complete the homework given by the teachers in a timely maanner and to the best of their ability. Students are expected to review their class notes after each lesson and bring questions or requests for clarification to the next lesson.
Students' learning is assessed through in-class assessments (sometimes simple oral questioning and sometimes short written tests) and through formal mid- and end-of-year examinations. Reports are sent to parents after the exmainations and open-days (teacher-parent meetings) are scheduled after reports have been issued.
Parents who have specific concerns about their son's progress may request an appointment to meet with the teacher.
Extra support
Teachers are always willing and ready to offer extra help to students who have a genuine need and who have played their part in the learning process. Teachers are unlikely to give extra help to students who have poor attendance or who regularly do not participate in lessons or complete homework. Extra support may be in the form of extra help after the end of lessons or during a free lesson. Teachers are not permitted to be employed as private/paid tutors.