
Horse Riding
Sports is an essential and integral element of the Sadiq Public School curriculum and all students are expected to participate in afternoon sports.
All sports are supervised by teachers and are taught by experienced coaches/instructors who teach skills, tactics, rules, and most importanlty sportsmanship. Competitions are organised at the inter-House level and occasional inter-school fixtures and local tournaments.

All Sadiq Public School students participate in the full curriculum, one element of which is Sports.
The aim of the Sadiq Public School Sports programme is:
-to instill enthusiasm for living an active and healthy lifestyle,
-to learn to trust team mates and to be trusted by team mates,
-to learn skills, tactics and strategies of a sport/game, and
-to learn sportsmanship.
We know that people of any age who engage in regular sports & games/physical activity are more likely to enjoy positive mental health as well as good physical health. We know that many diseases such as diabetes are caused by a lack of regular physical activity.
How do we organise our Sports Programme?
All Class 4-5, Prep School (Classes 6-8) and Senior School (Classes 9-12) students participate in the Sports Curriculum on at least 2 afternoons per week.
Group A: Monday and Wednesday afternoon coaching.
Group B: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon coaching.
Boarders play sports in both sessions. Day Students may opt for one session or both.
Some sports sessions may operate outside the schedule, e.g. Horse-riding, Swimming...
Inter-House Games & Inter-School Fixtures are played on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays
Note that teams for Inter-School Fixtures are selected on the basis of students' performance in the after school sports sessions.
Selecting sports
Sports offered (subject to sufficient demand): Athletics/Cross country, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Horse-riding, Lawn Tennis, Parade Drill, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Martial Arts
At the start of each Term, the OIC Sports distributes Sports Selection Forms to all Class Teachers for students to complete. Students may change their choice of Sport each term, subject to spaces being available, by written application to the OIC Sports/Adjutant.
Each sports group is relatively small to ensure each coach is able to give every student the necessary attention to achieve the aims of the Sports Programme
Sports coaches are trained in coaching skills, i.e. preparing and providing organised coaching sessions that achieve the aims of the Sports Programme.
Sports sessions include skills coaching as well as instruction in tactics/strategies and sportsmanship. Most sessions will also include opportunity to put the coaching into action through 'mini-games'.
Heat and the safety of students & staff
Ask Google, ‘At what temperature is outdoor sports unsafe?’ and the general response is 90 F/ 35 C. however humidity levels and of course the time spent in the heat/humidity/direct sunlight also affects the answer.
Our response to the local climate is to:
Make outdoor sports voluntary if/when the temperature is above 35C.
Limit the time that students and staff are exposed to high temperatures and direct sunlight.
Mitigate the effects of heat & humidity by providing water, shade, pedestal fans etc. to those who want to play.
Install a shade cover for the swimming pool and pump cold well-water into the pool just before each swimming session.
Indoor sports (e.g. table tennis) will continue because the facility can be air conditioned.
Inquiries/questions should be directed to the OIC Sports/Adjutant.