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What does 'Do the Right' mean?

Sadiq Public School's motto is 'Do the Right, Fear No Man'. It means that if you do what is right, you need never be afraid.


But what does, 'Do the Right' mean?


All Sadiq Public School students and staff are expected to learn how to be a respectful and respectable person. 

  1. Support your School community because it will support you

    1. When you join Sadiq Public School you join an extended family of staff, students, past students… The School will teach you, care for you, and help you grow into a well-balanced adult.

    2. Respect and support the whole community,

    3. Accept all that the School has to offer you, and

    4. Champion the School community – your classmates, your teachers, all the support staff, past Sadiqians.

    5. Respect your elders, whether they are your family members, teachers, non-teaching school staff, or older students and listen attentively to their advice and wisdom. Ask for their help and advice.

    6. Respect and care for your Juniors. ‘It takes a whole village to raise a child.’ It is everyone’s duty to be patient with Juniors, to help them learn with patience and dignity and care. 

  2. Humility/be humble

    1. We are all ‘work in progress’. We are always trying to improve ourselves. This means we are not perfect. We don’t know everything, so it’s OK to say, ‘I don’t know’. We aren’t the best at everything and so it’s OK to say, ‘I’m still learning’.

    2. Humility comes from respect – respect means:

      1. Admiring another person’s qualities and capabilities

      2. Considering another person’s feelings

    3. Empathy comes from respect. Empathy is being able to put yourself into the place of another person and feeling how they feel.

    4. So how to behave with humility?

      1. Empathise with others – feel their feelings,

      2. Consider a situation from another person’s perspective, and

      3.  Accept and understand that we have much to learn from others.

    5. Egalitarian – we are all the same, we are all people, we all have the same rights because, only because, we are human beings. There is no caste system, there is no class system. We all breathe the same air, we are all entitled to the same opportunities, we all have a voice and a vote in a democracy…

    6. When you want help, ask for it.

    7. Offer your help whenever you see the opportunity. If it’s another student struggling with bags, books, cricket bats… help. If it’s a teacher trying to explain something to another student, offer to help. If it’s a student trying to hit a tennis ball, offer your help. 

    8. There is no shame in making mistakes. When do get something wrong, we should apologise, do what is necessary to make things right again, and learn from the mistake so that we don’t repeat it.

    9. Critique your own work before others can. This can be listening carefully to what you are saying, it can be checking your school work before submitting it for the teacher’s critique or checking exam answers before finishing the exam.

    10. You may disagree with someone else’s opinion, but others with their differences may also be right. You may argue, but you must always be polite and respectful. 

  3. Communicate your respect

    1. Please

    2. Thank you

    3. You’re welcome

    4. Excuse me

    5. I’m sorry

    6. Can I help you?

    7. Greeting another person is an act of respect. It’s your opportunity to say to someone: I see you, I appreciate you as another person in our world, and I wish you all the best in your life…

      1. Assalam o aleikum / Peace be upon you

      2. Waleikum assalaam

      3. We smile when we greet someone because it is a pleasure to meet other people and to have the opportunity to wish them peace.

      4. None of us can ever be so important, superior, rich, or powerful that others are invisible to us. If you can see someone, you can see another human being who is just like you. That person deserves your recognition simply because they are another human being. In this way, a greeting is simple recognition of another person’s existence. 

    8. Consider your how you look as you are speaking, i.e. your body language.

      1. Smile when you speak to someone

      2. Look at the person as you listen to what they are saying to you

      3. Listen carefully – don’t interrupt them or try to finish their sentences

      4. Ask questions to be sure you;ve understaood what they were saying to you

  4. Integrity

To be a person of integrity means to be always demonstrating honesty and strong moral principles. In Sadiq Public School, we often refer to ‘Do the right’. This could also be said as, ‘Behave with integrity.’ Being honest means telling the truth with yourself and with others.

  1. Following the School’s rules both in the letter of the rules and in the spirit of them.

  2. Not cheating in tests/exams etc.

  3. Not damaging others’ property and telling the appropriate authority if you break damage property accidentally.

  4. If it’s not your property, it’s not yours to use without the owner’s permission.

  5. Do not submit false/incorrect documents.

  6. Encourage others to be honest.

5. Turnout/Personal appearance

How you look/appear to others is important. You are often judged on your appearance. The care you take to present yourself well indicates you respect others’ sensibilities and opinions. The care you take over your appearance also shows respect for the people who care about you.

  1. You must wash yourself frequently for the sake of hygiene, personal health, and to be well-presented to others.

  2. Your clothes should be appropriate for the occasion so you’d not wear your school uniform while socialising in a restaurant or while playing football.

  3. Your clothes should be clean, fit correctly, be in good repair, and worn correctly, for example baggy or too tight clothes look too casual, torn clothes suggest a slovenly character, and a tie not tied properly suggest you wear the tie because you have to not because you want to look smart. Your shoes should be clean, laces tied correctly, and in good repair. Trousers should be worn with a belt.  

  4. You should wear your hair neatly. Boys should have their hair cut often and short, because long hair can look unclean and disheveled.

  5. Cut/file your fingernails and keep them clean.

  6. Sit with a straight back, both feet on the floor and a few centimetres apart, hands together. Watch world leaders when they are on television – they are very mindful that their words and not their bodies get the necessary attention.

6. Sportsmanship

We play games/sports to learn…

  1. Know the rules and play within them.

  2. Practise and develop the skills to play well.

  3. Play to win but play fairly and honestly.

  4. While playing respect the opponents, your team mates, and the officials.

  5. Win with humility, lose with dignity.

  6. Regardless of the score, thank the opponents for the game because without them and their effort, you couldn’t have enjoyed the game; congratulate and compliment them for their efforts and skills.

  7. Thank the officials for their help.

  8. Thank your coaching and support staff and your supporters.

7. Punctuality

1. It is disrespectful to be late to a meeting/appointment. No matter how much money anyone has, we all have the same amount of time and to waste other people’s time is theft.

2. It is polite and respectful to be early to an appointment. It gives you time to calm and compose yourself before your meeting/event. It gives you time to check your appearance/turnout.

3. Some say that attitude towards time is cultural – that the Swiss and Germans are very punctual and Pacific Islanders are not. Some like to make people wait to show they are in control and to imply they are more powerful or more important. In reality, these are acts of disrespect.   

4. Learn good time management. This means having a wall calendar so you are aware of the weeks and months ahead, a diary for daily schedules.

8. Positive attitude

Adopt a positive, can-do/will-do attitude and approach. It’s easy to focus on the negatives, to complain about what others are doing, to complain about what you do not have… but no one likes to listen to complaining and seldom does whining make your life better.

  1. Students are faced with many opportunities in School and they should take advantage of as many as possible. Participate in everything the School offers.

  2. Try everything. Try new experiences, try new food, try talking to all students.

  3. Express gratitude for every experience.  

  4. It’s not whether you win that matters, it’s whether you play the game. 

  5. Don’t gossip

    1. Don’t say anything about anyone that you wouldn’t say to them personally.

    2. Don’t judge others; none of us is perfect. It is not for us to pass judgment on other people.

    3. If you can’t say something kind, say nothing.

    4. Don’t use social media for gossip, spreading misinformation, or for harming others.


9. Eating, drinking, dininng

1. Consider those with whom you are eating and drinking. Ensure they are taken care of before you eat or drink.

2. Eat politely – slowly and carefully so that food and drink does not fall onto the table or onto your clothing. 3. Don’t talk and eat or drink at the same time because this will cause food or drink to be spilled.

4. Demonstrate gratitude to those who prepare and serve your food. Thank them graciously and humbly for their efforts.

5. Eat a healthy diet, ie minimal junk food (processed food, sugar-laden drinks etc.)

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